Map - Iceland - A. Ortelius - 17th century
Abraham Ortell (or Ortel, Ortels), known as Abraham Ortelius (or Ortélius), From 1547, he was registered with the guild of Saint-Luc as a map illuminator. He also took over his father's antique business. Every year, Abraham traveled to Frankfurt where the largest book fair in Europe was held. He bought cards and precious objects there which he resold to his customers. Work, studies, but studies supplemented by the beneficial contact with life and travel, such is the youth of Ortelius.
In 1550, his uncle died and Abraham was from that moment the head of the family. He is 23. François Sweerts, who knew him, presents him as follows:
“Ortelius was tall and graceful and easy-mannered; his eyes were blue, his blond beard as well as his hair of the same hue, enhanced by the whiteness of his skin and the beauty of his forehead. Pleasant in appearance, he also had a varied and affable conversation – it should be noted here that Ortelius spoke and wrote fluently Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Latin and had some notions of Greek. Serious without pedantry, his conduct continually showed signs of his eminently Christian education. »
size : 61*52 cm