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D'ANACREON, translated into French, with Critical Notes and Preliminary Discourse, by Cen Gail.
In Paris, from the Imprimerie de Didot the elder, L'An II de la République, 1794. 77 pp, addition, table.
In-18 in red morocco, framing of a straight golden net and a broken golden net at the angles, ornate smooth spine, net on the cuts, golden inner lace, linings and tabis guards blue moiré, golden edges (Binding of the time).
Charming edition given by Didot of this translation accompanied by critical notes and a preliminary speech by Jean-Baptiste Gail. It is adorned with 6 figures out of text including 4 drawn and engraved by Queverdo and Gaucher. Nice binding of the time attributable to Bozérian. From the L. Froissart library with ex-libris.
Dimensions: 13.5 cm high
8.0 cm wide
1.5 cm thick