
ICHTYOLOGY (fish) - Panckoucke Encyclopedia - (1788)

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The Methodical Encyclopedia - 1 volume of text and 1 volume of plates (102 pl.)

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Volume III, Pisces (1787) Opinion of Sieur Panckoucke on the delay experienced by the twenty-second delivery, on the greatest number of volumes that the work will have, and on the time when it must be finished (pages 1 at 8)

Name of the authors, in alphabetical order, of the Medicine section (page 8)

Sixth Order: Fish, scales and fins.

Introduction (pages I to XXXVII) How to prepare the fish to keep them in the Cabinets (pages XXXVIII to XLI)

Notice of the main works dealing with Pisces (pages XLII to LI)

Alphabetical table of Latin names… (pages LII to LVIII)

Alphabetical table of known, Greek or Latin etymologies, generic names used in this Dictionary (pages LIX to LX) ABACATUAIA to ZINGEL (pages 1 to 435)

Preliminary speeches and plans of the Insect dictionary (pages I to CCLXXXVIII)


The Encyclopédie méthodique, known as the "Panckoucke Encyclopaedia", is a monumental encyclopedia based on the Encyclopedia or Dictionaries of Sciences, Arts and Crafts of Diderot and Alembert with the objective of improving and completing it.

 Unlike the latter, it is divided into subjects spread over 40 scientific dictionaries. The aim was to remedy the excessive fractionation of Diderot's work, which obliged him to read a hundred articles in order to have a sufficient idea of ​​a subject. We wanted to try if, by proceeding differently, the analysis and the synthesis would not lead to a better conciliation.

It was launched by subscriptions in 1782 by the bookseller Charles-Joseph Panckoucke, established in Lille then in Paris, where he had managed to create the first journalistic empire of the time. The bookseller and publisher, Clement Plomteux, established at Liege, seconded him between 1782 and 1789.

The publication lasted for half a century, and ended in 1832. After the death of Charles-Joseph Panckoucke in 1798, the publication was carried out by his son-in-law and partner, Henri Agasse (1752-1813), then by his Antoinette-Pauline Agasse daughter, widow of the latter.

This enterprise, which was attended by several hundred authors, resulted in a set of 206 volumes (159 of text on two columns and 47 of plates), comprising more than 125,000 pages and nearly 4,500 engravings,

The complete title is: The Methodical Encyclopedia or by order of subjects by a society of literary people, scholars and artists; preceded by a universal Vocabulary, serving as a table for the whole work, adorned with portraits of MM. Diderot and d'Alembert, first editors of the Encyclopedia.

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